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You'll find the latest here from our pastor and other leaders in church. We're always writing so check back here for the latest updates.
The More Important . . .
May 19, 2023 Dear Church Family, As I’ve been reading through 1 Corinthians, it’s been sad to read about such a dysfunctional church....
Be Faithful to Our Calling
May 13, 2023 Dear Church Family, Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be part of the first century church? It’s tempting to...
God is at Work for Good
April 28, 2023 Dear Church Family, I came to Isaiah 61 in my quiet times this week. As I started the chapter, I was reminded of Jesus...
Jesus said, “I came to call sinners”
April 22, 2023 Dear Church Family, I love the song, “Healing Begins,” by Tenth Avenue North....
God’s Steadfast Love
April 14, 2023 Dear Church Family, If you’ve ever been on a mountain, you know how enormous they are! They can look so tiny way off in...
It was God’s will that caused Jesus to die
April 7, 2023 Dear Church Family, As we come to Good Friday we remember that it is only good because of what was accomplished by Jesus...
Deny pride a foothold
March 30, 2023 Dear Church Family, I’ve always remembered 1 Corinthians 10:12 since I first read it, “Therefore let anyone who thinks...
What do you do when all seems impossible?
March 25, 2023 Dear Church Family, What do you do when you don’t know what to do? Sometimes our situations seem impossible and we feel...