Dear Church Family,

I was reminded this week of the importance of worship to celebrate and reflect upon God’s involvement in our lives. In Exodus 15 the people of Israel respond to God’s deliverance and miraculous defeat of the Egyptian army through the Red Sea crossing. I wish I could have been there when Moses and the people sang to the Lord. Not only did they sing about what God had just done, but afterwards Miriam, along with all the women, went out and celebrated with tambourines and dancing. She also sang to them:

Exodus 15:21 (ESV)
“Sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously;
the horse and his rider he has thrown into the sea.”

Music and the arts are a powerful tool that God has given us to connect our hearts and minds to the experiences and truths we discover about God’s character and His involvement in our lives. What I love about Exodus 15 is that the people write and sing a new song to the Lord specifically crafted for the occasion. It’s important for us to have songs from the past, but there are also times when God prompts us to respond to what is currently happening in our lives. One prayer I have for Gospel Life Bible Church is that we would not only passionately worship God using songs and art forms already created, but we would also creatively respond to what God is doing in our own lives by crafting art that points others to Him. I had a professor in Bible College that stated one of the signs for missionaries that the Gospel had taken root in a community was that they started writing their own worship songs. I’m not a missiologist, but that makes a lot of sense. What is God doing in your life? What song has he given you to sing?

David Bronleewe

What’s Happening at Gospel Life:

Church Directory:
You should have received an invitation to the church directory. If you didn’t receive the email, need to make any changes, or have any questions, visit the Welcome Table or contact Pastor Dave at or 208-505-8974.Fourth of July Celebration:

Everyone is invited to the Kropfs’ house to celebrate on July 4th starting at 5 pm. There will be burgers, hot dogs, and chicken and you can bring a side or dessert to share. Call 208-871-2309 if you have any questions or need directions. Their address is:
6461 E Path Dr.
Nampa, ID 83687
This Coming Sunday
Living it Out at Home – We’re going back to our study in 1 Peter – Finding Hope as Exiles. This week we’ll be studying 1 Peter 3:1-7 and looking at how we can live out our identity in Christ as husbands and wives.

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Gospel Life Bible Church • 208-505-8974 •