I was reminded yesterday of the importance of prayer as I was reading Exodus 2:23-25. The people of Israel were enslaved in Egypt in horrible conditions and their future deliverer, Moses, had fled to the wilderness. This passage comes right before God speaks to Moses in the burning bush and commissions him to deliver the people. The people must having been praying, because it says that “their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God.” Sometimes, in the middle of our trials it’s hard to remember that God is listening. I love the verbs it uses in verse 25 to describe God’s response to their cries for deliverance. It says that God: 1) heard their groaning, 2) remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob, 3) God saw the people of Israel, 4) God knew.

Whatever you’re facing today, you have the opportunity to cry out to the Lord. Remember that God hears your prayers, remembers His promises, sees you, and knows what you’re facing.

We would love to join you in prayer. If you need prayer for anything or have a praise to share, you can do so here: