I’ve been going through the Gospel of Luke in my quiet times and came across Luke 21:1-4 and the widow’s offering. In this passage a poor widow puts in two small copper coins into the offering box. This would amount to $1-2 in today’s currency. Jesus says that this poor widow gave more than all the rich, who were also putting their money into the offering box.

$2 sound like a tiny amount compared to the huge amounts others were putting in, but in Jesus’ perspective she gave more because she gave all that she had while they gave out of their abundance. God values sacrifice and it is an expression of worship. It reveals what really matters to us. We often think about this in financial giving.

As I read the passage this time, however, I was reminded of the sacrifice of time and energy we extend on Sundays setting up and tearing down for church. It would be a lot easier to just show up for church. But we believe that God has called us to reach a community for the Kingdom of God and that is worth this simple sacrifice. I’m incredibly thankful for everyone who has been helping out on Sundays. Not only has it been a joy to serve together and I believe it has grown us closer together, but it’s also a sacrifice of praise to God and an act of worship to Him. Thank you for giving of yourself to the Lord!

Dave Bronleewe