January 19, 2024

Dear Church Family,

Psalm 23 is one of my favorite Psalms. I love the picture of God as our shepherd and the reminder of His loving, constant care over our lives. The first three verses are comforting, as they speak of “green pastures,” “still waters,” and “paths of righteousness.” I love the assurances that, “I shall not want” and “He restores my soul.” I love the idea of being led like that.

The next two verses, though, don’t come across as very comforting at first. They speak of the “valley of the shadow of death,” “evil,” and the “presence of my enemies.” It’s hard to feel excited about being led through these things. Interestingly, right in the middle of verse 4, David states, “your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” David finds comfort, even in the middle of these difficult circumstances. This reminded me of two things as I read the Psalm.
First, part of following our Shepherd means being led through both pleasant circumstances and difficult ones. Sometimes our lives feel more like verses 1-3, but there are also times we feel more like were going through verses 4-5. God promises us both. In fact, He says, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 ESV).
This leads to the second truth. Jesus is with us in both the pleasant times and difficult. The reason David can find comfort and fear no evil as he walks through the valley of the shadow of death is that “you are with me.” It is the Lord who prepares the table before him in the presence of his enemies. David has a very conscious understanding of God’s presence and protection as his shepherd in the most difficult places of life. God is just as much his shepherd there as He is in the green pastures and still waters.
How about you? Where are you right now? Cling to God as your shepherd whether things are great or dire. Find your comfort in Him no matter what circumstances you find yourself in. Maybe you can memorize this Psalm to call on God from wherever you find yourself.
What’s Happening at Gospel Life:
Communion: We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper as part of our Sunday morning service this Sunday, January 21st. Through the ordinance of communion, we remember the sacrifice Jesus made to save us from our sins.

Youth Group: We’re starting back this Sunday, January 21st, from 5-7 pm at the Bronleewes’ house. We’ll have dinner, games, worship, and continue our Bible study through the Book of Joshua.

Elder Training: The next elder training will be Tuesday, January 23rd at 7 pm at the Bronleewes’ house. We’ll pick up at 1 Timothy 3. Please contact Pastor Dave if you need a copy of the homework.

Men’s Breakfast: Men and boys of all ages are invited to our next Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, January 27th from 8-10 am at The Greens Clubhouse (6745 E. Greens Dr. Nampa, ID 83687). Our theme will be “How Has the Spirit Gifted Me?”

Church Potluck: Join us after the morning worship service for a potluck meal on Sunday, February 4th. Please bring one of your favorite dishes to share with the group.

Church Directory: We’re updating the church directory for 2024. Please stop by the Welcome Table on Sunday to make sure your contact information is up to date. You can also update your information online. Here is some information on how:

Life Groups: If you would like to grow in your relationship with the Lord and other believers, please consider joining a Life Group. We have groups for men, women, and youth. You can check them out here:

Request Prayer: It’s important for us to be praying for each other as a church! If you ever need prayer, we would love to come alongside you. You can always turn in a prayer request on Sundays using the Connection Card, but you can also submit a prayer request online at any time:

Upcoming Dates: 2024 Budget Meeting (Feb. 11th), Youth Super Bowl Party (Feb. 11th)

This Coming Sunday:
The Lord’s Prayer – As we continue our series Keep on Praying, we will look this Sunday at Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 6:9-14 on how we should pray. 

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