If you’re a young man (teens are welcome) or an older man, you’re invited to join a group of guys for an outing at Jump Creek. We plan to meet there at 9 am on Sat. , Nov. 11 and hike (one hour or less) along the west canyon ridge to a lunch spot with an awesome view of the canyon. It’ll be an opportunity to connect with one another and the Word, to talk about some Bible characters (not just David) who faced giants in their lives, and to encourage and challenge one another to a deeper trust in the One who fights our battles. Bring a sack lunch for yourself (we’ll probably eat early, around 11) and a little something to share…a snack and a story or three–maybe a “giant” story from the Bible, a victorious God story from your own life, and/or a challenge you’re facing in your current story (can be in the group or with another guy along the trail). We’ll have a chance to pray for one another before the next phase of the challenge.
For anyone who needs/wants to leave early (right after lunch), there’ll be the option of hiking back to the parking lot the same way (arriving by 12:30 or 1:00). The continuing challenge is to take a different route back via the bottom of the canyon (an additional 2-3 hrs). That way involves following a trail down into the canyon and (avoiding poison ivy through brush along the trail) along Upper Jump Creek toward the top of the falls, followed by a mini rock descent down the Devil’s Ladder to the base of the falls (or, alternatively, a steep climb from there to the top). It’s a relatively short hike from either place to the cars.
For car pooling or if you need a ride, please get in touch with Kevin or Michael by at least the 8th or 9th so it can be arranged in advance.
Place: Jump Creek near Marsing (edge of the Owyhees)
Time: 9:30 am to 2:30 pm (depending on where you are in Nampa, plan on at least 40-45 min. one way)

Bring: a lunch, plenty of water, long sleeves, jeans, hat, hiking shoes/boots, jacket (might be in the 40’s), Gloves, poison ivy cream

Contact People:
Kevin Edgerton (phone: 208-965-9467; email: earthsojourners@luxsci.net)
or Michael Gerdes (phone: 208-509-6866; email: seedcollector@live.com)