January 13, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Sometimes waking up is hard! I don’t know about you, but sometimes there’s this in-between state for me, when I’m half asleep and half awake and I have to convince myself that my dream was a dream and I need to wake up to the reality of the day. In Romans 13, Paul calls on us to wake up from our sleep.

Romans 13:11-14 (ESV)
Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. 12 The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13 Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy. 14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.

The night represents the present world that is passing away. Before Christ we were children of the night, but through Jesus we have been awakened to the true light of salvation. I love his picture of Jesus’ return representing the daytime. When the dawn is breaking, you know that a new day is near and start preparing for this new day. Now that we’ve been awakened from our sleep, it would be foolish to fall back asleep. Paul reminds us that the day is at hand: Jesus’ return is nearer now than when we first believed!
Would you describe your daily life as more in line with the “night” or the “day?” Are your thoughts, actions, plans, and goals more in line with the “night” or the “day?” I love Paul’s final picture of “putting on” the Lord Jesus Christ. When you wake up, you put on new clothes for the day. Our new clothes are the “Lord Jesus Christ.” What clothes do people see you wearing? Jesus is coming soon! Let’s live for the day and not for the night!

What’s Happening at Gospel Life:

Challenge for the New Year: As we begin this new year, one goal I have for our church body is to grow deeper in God’s Word. The Bible is one of God’s greatest tools for growing us in our relationship with Him and also helps protect us from swerving from the truth. It’s not to late to start reading through the Bible in a Year. We will have a special celebration dinner at the end of the year for anyone who completes this challenge.

Prayer Night: We’ll gather together for prayer on Sunday, January 22nd at 6 pm at the Bronleewes’ house. We have the privilege of bringing our needs before the Lord and praising Him for Who He is and what he has done for us.

Life Groups: Life Groups are an important way to connect and grow at Gospel Life. We have several exciting groups starting up or beginning soon.  If you’re looking for a group to join, you can sign up below or stop by the Welcome Table on Sunday.  https://gospellifebiblechurch.churchcenter.com/groups/small-groups 

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Gospel Life Bible Church • 208-505-8974 • daveb@gospellifebc.com • 1123 12th Ave Rd. No. 286 Nampa, Idaho 83686