
July 26, 2024

Dear Church Family,

Last words have a way of sticking with us. We often save the most important or relevant instructions for last. This past week I finished reading through 1 John and the very last verse stuck with me:

1 John 5:18 (ESV)
Little children, keep yourselves from idols.

We can sense John’s care, as he refers to us as “little children.” This final command doesn’t come from someone trying to harm or hurt, but from a spiritual father knowing the great harm that idols have upon our souls. It’s like the warning on a dangerous piece of electronics, “Do not touch.” These warnings are for our safety and protection. Often, like little children, we need that tender but firm reminder to stay far away from dangerous things.
What are the idols in your life that you need to keep yourself from? It’s easy to convince ourselves that we don’t have idols simply because we don’t have any carved images of gods that we worship. Idols can be anything other than God that we worship; anything that we look to for the protection, peace, and security that only He can provide; anything that pulls us away from Him or competes with Him for our hearts. Whether it’s money, possessions, relationships, entertainment, or something else completely, the solution is simple: stay away. Worshiping these things will harm you.
Sometimes the hardest part is knowing whether these things are idols or not. Some idols are obvious and are always bad for us. Some are more subtle, though, and only become bad when used the wrong way. Money can be a good thing when kept in the right place. Some relationships are the same way. It’s when we put these things in God’s place and treat them the way that we should treat Him that they truly become idols. Instead of gifts from God, they become idols that compete with God. Pray and ask God to reveal to those not so obvious idols and for the strength to uproot them from your life.
–Dave Bronleewe