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July 19, 2024 | ||
Dear Church Family, Do you ever feel like God is punishing you? Sometimes bad things happen that we don’t understand, and we’re tempted to think that God is out to get us. I love these verses I read this morning in John 4:
While it’s true that God disciplines us as believers, we never have to fear God’s punishment. Punishment has to do with making someone pay for something wrong they’ve done. It’s exacting retribution for an offense. Discipline, on the other hand, has to do with correction. It’s loving someone enough to cause them pain to bring about good for them. Punishment is to harm, while discipline is to build up and restore. When a believer sins, God doesn’t need to exact payment from them, because Jesus’ finished work on the cross has already met God’s demand for justice. We don’t ever be afraid that God trying to harm us or get back at us. Instead, we need to remember that He is a father who wants good for His children. When we sin, He lovingly corrects and disciplines us. It all comes down to how we view Him as God. Do you see God as a loving father or an angry adversary? Remember these words from Hebrews about our Heavenly Father.
What’s Happening at Gospel Life:No Youth Group this Sunday: We’re taking a break this Sunday, but make sure to join us next Sunday, July 28th, from 5-7 pm at Orah Brandt Park in Nampa. Communion: We will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper as part of our Sunday morning service on Sunday, July 28th. Through the ordinance of communion, we remember the sacrifice Jesus made to save us from our sins. Men’s Breakfast: We’re excited for our next Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, August 10th from 8-10 am. Look for more details and a sign up next week. Ladies Retreat: Ladies, mark your calendar! Our ladies retreat will begin Friday evening, August 23rd, and end at noon on Sunday, August 25th. We will be staying at the Intermountain Christian Camp in Fairfield. Details will be available at the welcome table on Sunday, or chat with Deb Mueller, Angie Point, or Jane Jandayan. Interested in Serving? We have opportunities in the welcome ministry to help create a loving and welcoming environment on Sunday mornings. There are several ways you can participate, from serving as a greeter, to providing treats, to setting up and serving at the welcome table. If you’re interested, please contact Michelle McEnulty. Life Groups: If you’re interested in joining a life group, we have several going through the summer. You can check them out here: Request Prayer: It’s important for us to be praying for each other as a church! If you ever need prayer, we would love to come alongside you. You can always turn in a prayer request on Sundays using the Connection Card, but you can also submit a prayer request online at any time: https://gospellifebiblechurch.churchcenter.com/people/forms/368653 This Coming Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW5IMNeRoI99I-QNoGMnuWDy6Y5svTt_c |