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October 22, 2022 | ||
Dear Church Family, It’s easy to criticize and focus on sin in other people. It’s even tempting to celebrate their downfall. In the Book of Ezekiel the first 24 chapters focus on the sin of Judah and Jerusalem. Their sin is so bad that God demonstratively disciplines them. Chapter 25, however, takes a significant turn. In this chapter God calls Ezekiel to prophecy against Ammon, Moab and Seir, Edom, and Philistia. God’s punishment of these nations is because they celebrated the destruction against God’s people. God’s word to the Ammonites is, “Thus says the Lord God, Because you said, ‘Aha!’ over my sanctuary when it was profaned, and over the land of Israel when it was made desolate, and over the house of Judah when they went into exile” (Ezekiel 25:3). The Hebrew word for “Aha” is an expression of joy or satisfaction at the misfortune of an enemy. Even though the punishment against Judah was well-deserved, it was wrong to celebrate the demise of God’s people. This should also have been a wakeup call for them on the consequences of sin and a warning to look at their own sin. This was a good reminder to me when I’m tempted to focus on other people’s sin. I need to instead look at my own sin and remember God’s grace in my own life. Jesus reminded us:
What’s Happening at Gospel Life:Pray for the CWI Outreach: Continue to pray for God to use the outreach on Mondays from 11:30-12:30 pm. Kevin and Alice Edgerton are leading a study on Credible Forensics. Please pray that God brings more students to the class and that He uses it to point them to their Creator. Elder Training: Join us for the men’s Bible study this coming Tuesday, October 25th at 7 pm at the Bronleewes’ house. Whether you’re interested in training towards Eldership or simply want to grow in your relationship with Christ, we would love to see you there. If you need a copy of the homework from last month, contact Pastor Dave (daveb@gospellifebc.com or 208-505-8974). Next Sunday: Next Sunday, October 30th, will be a different Sunday. We’ll be meeting for Sunday Morning Worship at the Kropfs’ House (6461 East Path Nampa, ID 83687). Coffee will be ready at 9:30 am and the morning service will be at 10 am. You can also join us online. Pray for a New Location: God has opened up the door to several possible locations. Pray for wisdom as we hope to know where our next Sunday Worship Location will be very soon. Look out for updates over email and social media this next week. Life Groups: Life Groups are an important way to connect and grow at Gospel Life. If you’re looking for a group to join, we have several different options to choose from, with more coming soon. You can sign up below or stop by the Welcome Table on Sunday. This Coming Sunday: Watch Previous Worship Services |